Wednesday, February 5

Tag: tipping

Online games

A Tipping Point for Online Coupons?

I've frequently pondered whether and when CPG manufacturers' cent-off coupons will find widespread circulation on the Internet. Yes, I am aware that there are worries about potential fraud in the event that hackers find a method to print millions of coupons and attempt to redeem them through dishonest retailers. However, given the apparent halt to the practice of gang-clipping coupons from newspapers, I reasoned that it would only be a matter of time until manufacturers felt secure enough to use the Internet. I wonder if we've arrived at that stage now. Read More: tippekupongen Here are some fascinating, if not astounding, statistics on coupons to get you started. According to PROMO magazine, CPG manufacturers sent out 302 billion coupons in 2007, an increase of 6% over 2006 and an a...