Wednesday, February 5

Tag: pirates


Downloads of music: Customers or Pirates?

Not only does online music piracy not negatively impact actual CD sales, but in certain cases, it may even increase them. These were the surprising conclusions made public in March by Felix Oberholzer-Gee, a professor at Harvard Business School, and Koleman Strumpf, a co-author from the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill. The music business was rocked by their study, "The Effect of File Sharing on Record Sales," to an extent not seen since the Beatles' British invasion. Read More: new songs 2024 mp3 download All of the recording execs were not exactly singing "Yeah, yeah, yeah," though. They criticized the team's methodology, which involved tracking 1.75 million downloads over 17 weeks in 2002, poring over server logs from OpenNap (an open source Napster server), and co...