Saturday, February 8

Tag: colon


Colon Cleanse: Essential Information

A colon cleanse: why? Although it doesn't sound nice, experts say that irrigating your colon can help you lose weight and improve digestion, among other health advantages. However, there are hazards associated with performing a colon cleanse. It should be handled cautiously and with enough awareness of the risks, as is the case with other lifestyle choices. A colon cleanse: what is it? The process of cleaning the colon with fluids to get rid of waste is called colon cleansing, often referred to as colonic irrigation or Colon Hydrotherapy in Tempe. It is an old therapy whose advantages are predicated on the idea that the body may be poisoned by digestive waste. The colon cleanse is often done while you lie down on a table by a specialist known as a colonic hygienist. It entail...