What types of QR codes are there?
Although free QR codes can be made in a wide variety of forms and patterns, the five most popular varieties are shown here. They all perform the same function; they only differ slightly in appearance.
1. QR code: Denso Wave invented the first iteration of the QR code in the 1990s. Its three finder patterns at the bottom-left, top-left, and top-right corners make it simple to recognize.
2. Aztec code: Welch Allyn created the Aztec code, which resembles a QR code but has a single finder pattern in the center.
3. Maxi code: The United States Postal Service uses this kind of QR code. Although it employs a honeycomb pattern rather than squares, it is comparable to the Aztec code in that it centers the finder pattern.
4. PDF417: Symbol Technologies' Ynjiun Wang created the peculiar...