Sunday, February 2

Tag: apnea


Describe sleep apnea.

Breathing ceases while you sleep due to a disorder called sleep apnea. The Greek term "breathless" is where the word "apnea" originates. Breathing ceases while you sleep, which results in sleep apnea. Either your airway becomes blocked (obstructive sleep apnea) or your brain miscontrols the breathing process (central apnea) and this occurs. Read More: sleep apnea The subsequent shortage of oxygen triggers a survival response that arouses you just enough to allow you to start breathing again. That reaction keeps you alive, but it throws off your sleep schedule. This keeps you from getting a good night's sleep and may have other negative effects, such as stressing your heart, which may be fatal. How often does sleep apnea occur? A frequent yet uncommon condition is sleep apnea. A...