Saturday, February 8

Colon Cleanse: Essential Information

A colon cleanse: why?

Although it doesn’t sound nice, experts say that irrigating your colon can help you lose weight and improve digestion, among other health advantages. However, there are hazards associated with performing a colon cleanse. It should be handled cautiously and with enough awareness of the risks, as is the case with other lifestyle choices.

A colon cleanse: what is it?

The process of cleaning the colon with fluids to get rid of waste is called colon cleansing, often referred to as colonic irrigation or Colon Hydrotherapy in Tempe. It is an old therapy whose advantages are predicated on the idea that the body may be poisoned by digestive waste.

The colon cleanse is often done while you lie down on a table by a specialist known as a colonic hygienist. It entails pumping around 60 liters of fluid into the rectum via a tube. After that, toxins are released via a separate tube, and the procedure is repeated.

Products for at-home colon irrigation are available online and at your neighborhood pharmacy.

The “benefits” of cleaning the colon

According to colon cleansing experts, eliminating the toxins from your digestive system has several advantages. They claim that it can result in improved digestion, more energy, weight loss, and improved cognitive function. However, the majority of these assertions are unverified and unsupported by science.

In 2016, a short pilot research found that colonic irrigation helped individuals with irritable bowel syndrome with their gastrointestinal symptoms.

However, colon cleaning should be done carefully because it may cause colon damage, even with the above study’s findings. Below, we list the potential dangers of colon cleaning.

There are several hazards.

There is a far broader list of possible hazards than advantages when it comes to colon cleaning.


Colon cleaning induces the elimination of fluids in addition to waste, which accounts for a portion of the weight reduction. In severe circumstances, dehydration might result in renal failure.

Unbalanced electrolytes

Your body’s potassium and salt electrolyte balance may be thrown off by colon cleanses. An imbalance in these molecules, which transmit electrical impulses between cells, can result in both kidney damage and unconsciousness.

Unbalanced bacteria and infection

With the tools and liquids used, colon cleanses may introduce harmful germs into the lower digestive tract. Additionally, they eliminate the beneficial microorganisms that may combat that infection.

Perforation of the bowel

When the lower intestinal wall tears, a bowel perforation results. It is regarded as an urgent medical situation. Fever, discomfort, chills, and nausea are the initial symptoms, but it can worsen and possibly be lethal.

Advice on how to safely cleanse your colon

There are steps you can do to lessen the possibility of any negative health impacts if you are aware of the hazards yet are still interested in colon cleaning.

Consult your physician beforehand. There may be a higher chance of difficulties for some persons.

Be sure to stay hydrated. Before and after your cleanse, be sure to stay hydrated by drinking lots of water.

Pick your therapist carefully. Colonic hygienists are not required to hold a license, however some are members of organizations that demand first aid and cardiopulmonary resuscitation training. Before scheduling an appointment, speak with others who have utilized particular therapists.

Make sure you only utilize protective gear and brand-new, disposable equipment. Ensure that your hygienist follows a suitable disinfection protocol and, whenever feasible, utilizes disposable equipment. If colon cleaning equipment is not adequately sanitized, it might spread germs.

An alternate

There are other solutions on the market that promise to provide comparable advantages through oral supplements in addition to the conventional irrigation colon cleanse. These include natural laxatives and plant fibers and can be taken as teas, powders, or capsules. If you decide to take supplements, carefully read the instructions on the container and talk to your doctor about the components.