Tuesday, October 22

Fashion: Describe It.

We deal with fashion on a daily basis. Even individuals who say they don’t give a damn what they wear every morning choose ensembles that give away a lot about their character and attitude for the day.

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One thing is guaranteed in the world of fashion: change. We are constantly exposed to new fashion trends through television, movies, books, and music. Fashion is also greatly influenced by movies. Sales of Ray-Ban sunglasses surged as a result of the Men in Black film. Sometimes a trend is worldwide. Adolescents everywhere wore 1950s Elvis Presley style.

Who establishes style trends?

Fashion has always been influenced by politicians, the nobility, singers, and other influential figures in culture. Newspapers and periodicals report on Hillary Clinton’s dress selections. Diana, the Princess of Wales, died not too long ago. Her death was tragic since her clothes were regularly featured in top fashion publications.

As early as the 1700s, individuals looked through fashion magazines to observe the newest trends. The only means by which ladies and dressmakers from outside the French court could see what was going on was through sketches. The famous French monarch Louis XIV believed that clothing acts as a reflection. Louis was well-known for his elaborate velvets and laces-inspired personal style.

People are classified according on what they wear.

Things are revealed via fashion. People’s attire reveals the organizations to which they belong. In high school, several groups are referred to as “goths, skaters, preps, herbs.” Styles are a reflection of oneself, but they may also breed bigotry and a chasm between socioeconomic classes. For example, a businessman could find it weird and uncommon to see a young person with green hair and several piercings. To someone else, though, the child seems to be a rigorous conformist. While he dresses in a certain way to represent disobedience and revolt, every member of that gang looks the same. The adoption or rejection of a style is a reflection of our society.

The language of fashion expresses information about the person. Reputable British fashion designer Katherine Hamnett once observed, “We all understand a wordless means of communication that clothes create.” When many rock bands began to wear Hamnett’s t-shirts—which had provocative phrases like “Choose Life”—she became well-known.

There are several reasons why we dress the way we do.

In order to guard against frostbite and overexposure, mountain climbers dress in protective gear against the elements.

Physical allure: Many styles are used in an attempt to create “chemistry.”

Emotions: we dress “up” for joy and “down” for sorrow.

Religious expression: Orthodox Jewish men wear long black suits, while Islamic women cover their entire body except for their eyes.

The fashion business is quite large. More people are employed in the clothing manufacturing, retail, and purchasing sectors globally than in any other. Every day, millions of people sew, glue, dye, and transport clothing to stores. Advertisements in publications, on billboards, and on buses may give us advice about what to wear, consciously or unconsciously.

It is feasible to use apparel as a political tool. Throughout the eighteenth century, wearing apparel produced in France was prohibited by law in England. In the 20th century, communist revolutions used uniforms to do away with ethnic and class distinctions.

The fashion industry is a never-ending popularity contest.

High fashion sense is attributed to a small group of men and women who meet specific criteria and have a certain standing in the fashion business. The people who make up Haute Couture, or “High Fashion” in French, are affluent and well-connected individuals who work as editors and writers for fashion magazines as well as buyers for big department stores. Some of these expensive and often innovative ideas may catch on and become the standard for most people. Most of them are still on the runway.

Finding the origins of popular trends is almost challenging. Nobody can explain how hip-hop from the Bronx streets to the Haute Couture fashion displays in London and Milan, or how adolescents’ short skirts and boots from 1960s England made their way onto the Paris runways, came to be associated with the United States.

It’s easy to discern what’s fashionable while watching comedies on television: the baggy pants of The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, the tight sports clothes and bare midriffs of 90210. But how “plugged-in” individuals react to current events and literary, artistic, and musical trends determines the course of fashion.

“It is evident from the perspective of costume history that the clothing of any particular era is precisely appropriate for the real climate of the time.” according to noted English historian James Laver on costumes. How did bell-bottom jeans move from looking like designer jeans and boots in the 1980s to being saggy in the 1990s? Actually, not a soul knows.

Style is an attitude of mind. A soul, an expression of who they are. Style communicates through whispers, yells, and perceptive winks and smiles. Above all, fashion is about using your sense of style to communicate your sense of value as a person.

Why is it relevant?

Individuals express themselves and take on a variety of roles in life through clothes. Whether we have a hip-hop or Chanel-esque style, fashion lets us embrace our inner chameleon. It serves as a way to recognize the diversity and depth of our international community. Fashion must adapt in order to keep people interested in living. It also acts as a form of social mirror. There are several uses for this technique of assessing mood in social, cultural, and even clinical settings. But, you won’t appreciate fashion as much if you take it too seriously.

How do you forecast the upcoming fashion trends?

The Paris, New York, Milan, and now London collections often put the industry a year ahead of schedule. But the street, in my view, is a genuine barometer of style. More and more designers are drawing inspiration from the everyday world. So, once again, there is a relationship between personal style and fashion. An adolescent can put something together that creates a new trend without thinking about it.

How do you choose what to wear in the morning?

Depending on how I’m feeling, what’s tidy, and my day. When I have a large meeting or presentation, I take extra care with what I wear. Nonetheless, I often dress in accordance with how I’m feeling, which might range from quirky to traditional. On certain days, though, my outfit really relies on what’s in my laundry basket.