Friday, October 18

ThetaHealing: My Experience as a Client

I’m really happy to have learned about ThetaHealing. It is highly recommended by me. I continued to have weekly Skype meetings with a ThetaHealer following my initial private session while visiting New York.

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I had private sessions for a few months before earning my own ThetaHealer certification. I still find it really helpful to sometimes work with a professional ThetaHealer to help me identify blind spots for more serious problems.

I felt it might be good to write about what ThetaHealing is and my own experiences as a client for anyone who is inquisitive and interested, because I’ve been getting more queries about it lately.

What is the function of ThetaHealing?

My attempts to describe ThetaHealing to others may come out as hazy or even strange. I was informed something like this before I gave it a try: “I explained my problem to the ThetaHealer, and she asked me a lot of questions. My body either swayed back and forth for a yes or no.” After the session, I felt so much better—I’m not sure what she did.”

“A meditation training technique utilizing a spiritual philosophy for improvement and evolution of mind, body, and spirit” is how the ThetaHealing website describes it.

Still somewhat nebulous, don’t you think? I never would have gotten into this if it weren’t for reliable friends who told me about ThetaHealing. This therapeutic technique has been gaining traction through word of mouth. Even after my first session, I was still unsure of the mechanism involved. All I knew was that it felt like therapy, except the ThetaHealer instantaneously resolves issues by swapping out your negative thoughts for positive ones.

Vianna Stibal created ThetaHealing in 1995. Her first book details the creation of the approach and her own and her clients’ healing experiences with it. These days, the application of ThetaHealing is widespread and includes curing physical pain, releasing emotional trauma, breaking negative thought patterns, and much more.

Brainwaves in the Theta state are slower and more relaxed than in other states. The seconds just before you go to sleep would be one example. During a session, the client will quickly meditate to enter a Theta state guided by the ThetaHealer. Your subconscious realities will become more apparent in this condition, making it easier for the practitioner to see and eliminate your limiting belief scripts.

We may connect with the creator, the energy of pure love, while we are in the Theta state. The healing is not really performed by the ThetaHealer. They play a crucial role in guiding the session and observing the healing process carried out by the creator’s energy. ThetaHealers will elicit information from you and listen for any messages from the creator in between queries.

The procedure of Digging for ThetaHealing

Digging is the procedure that makes ThetaHealing outcomes long-lasting and efficient. The ThetaHealer will ask you a series of questions to determine the cause of any ailment you bring in. If only the outward belief is fixed, the underlying problem remains, and the unfavorable belief may even resurface.

Consider a Jenga tower. The fundamental problem—the structure—remains unaltered if the top block is removed. However, if the bottom component is removed, the entire stack collapses. Time is saved in the digging process since linked difficulties, including the surface-level one you brought in, also disappear once the core belief is healed. It’s noteworthy to note that although the surface problem and the underlying problem don’t seem to be linked, it’s only through investigation that we are able to determine how they are.

The ThetaHealer is skilled at knowing which inquiries to make in order to uncover the core belief. Because customers also get insights from the designer, they won’t always need to ask a lot of questions.

Here is a condensed sample of what happens in a private session from a UK ThetaHealer. The client’s only complaint upon arrival was 10 years of knee discomfort. They discover that her fundamental conviction, “I am a mistake,” was inherited from one of her ancestors and was encoded into her DNA. The burden of not knowing which path to choose in life is another underlying problem. Her knee discomfort goes away as well after these problems are resolved.

She wouldn’t have addressed the underlying problems that were generating the discomfort if a healer had only given healing to her knees.

A quick word on muscle testing

As you may have seen in the movie, the ThetaHealer divided the client’s fingers in order to test her beliefs. Her fingers open when she receives a “no” response and remain closed for “yes” responses. You may be familiar with muscle testing if you’ve worked with other forms of energy healing.

You may test your subconscious by using muscle testing, sometimes referred to as applied kinesiology. To ensure that the ego is not getting in the way, ThetaHealing employs muscle testing to check a client for belief programs. “Yes” causes muscles to remain strong, whereas “No” causes them to weaken.

Muscle testing can be done in a number of ways. Seven choices have instructions in this video. In my experience, the stand-and-sway test is the most trustworthy, particularly when I’m testing alone. For me, using a pendulum is also effective.

I advise against doing independent muscle testing and driving yourself nuts. Muscle tests are not factual; they are merely intended to test your subconscious thoughts. For instance, even if you are completely healthy and attractive, you could answer “I am fat and ugly” with a yes. Though it could be true for you right now, the statement is untrue.

It’s interesting to note that while testing, using precise terminology matters. For example, consider the phrases “life is hard” and “life is difficult.” Although they signify almost the same thing, someone can answer “yes” to the first and “no” to the second. Why? Words may imply various things to different individuals in subtle ways.

Never put yourself through psychological torture anticipating the future or judging others based on their actions or thoughts, such as “will I get that job?” and “Is my boyfriend cheating on me?” Again, try not push yourself too far, as it is only effective at illuminating your own subconscious ideas. I advise against doing muscle testing unless you have expert assistance, just to be cautious.

Muscle testing in a Theta session is mostly done for your benefit as the client. Before you do a muscle test, you might not even be aware of or think that you hold certain ideas. Don’t worry if, for whatever reason, you’re having problems with muscle testing. A skilled ThetaHealer will know how best to assist you.