Saturday, February 8

53 Daily Ways to Make a Difference in Your Community

Through our music, message, and service, Up with People has been touching communities and individuals worldwide for 53 years. Cast A 2018 recently started their adventure this week, and in honor of their departure, we wanted to provide some suggestions on how each of us may make a difference in our local communities. In addition to the work that our worldwide touring casts perform to further our purpose, many of Up with People’s 22,000+ alumni go on changing the world long after their tours are over. One thing is certain: we are all better off the more each of us behaves as a global citizen and constructive change agent.

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53 Ways To Make A Difference In Your Community

1.) Develop The Habit Of Respecting Everyone – This goes for conversing with individuals in line as well as while driving or strolling. In your community, little acts of respect may have a significant impact.

2.) Give a friend a whole day to support him or her in achieving their dreams and goals. Everybody has goals and abilities. Why not assist the people you love in realizing their greatest potential?

3.) Develop The Habit of Doing Random Acts of Kindness — Some ideas are to pay for a stranger’s coffee, wheel out your neighbor’s trash can, shovel your neighbor’s walkway after a snowfall, and pick up garbage throughout your community. Visit for hundreds of suggestions.

4.) Establish a Community Garden: Growing food together is one of the best methods to promote community, since it draws people together.

5.) Show kindness — More than ever, this is required now. People are surprised and contagious by kindness.

6.) Encourage involved communities: At Up with People, we participate in cooperative efforts with every community we visit, addressing local concerns and establishing relationships that strengthen empathy and confidence. You are able to follow suit.

7.) Run/walk a 5K for a cause – This is a great way to meet like-minded individuals in your community and to support a cause that you care about.

8.) Be the one to greet newcomers to the neighborhood – Looking out your window, you wonder who the new resident next door is. Go say hello!

9.) Volunteer At Least Once a Month — Make this your one and only choice from this list. Engage in community service for causes that are important to you. Not sure where to start? Check out,, and

10.) Empower Youth as good Change Agents: We work to increase youth awareness of local and global concerns, assist them recognize their own potential, and motivate them to take personal action to bring about good change. Encourage this inside your neighborhood.

All Set To Take The World By Storm? Applications are now being accepted by Up with People for upcoming tours. To Find Out More, Click This.<\ 11.) Compose a favourable evaluation of a nearby small business. Few have a stronger ties to and reliance on the neighborhood than small businesses. Post something encouraging to brighten the day of the company owner. 12.) Inquire About a Senior's Past - Spending time with a senior will benefit you and them equally since they have a lifetime of wisdom to impart. 13.) Do You Have Musical Ability? Give Some Kids Free Instruction - Encourage youngsters' creativity while imparting skills. Our future lies with them! 14.) Drop down quarters at the laundromat with a cheerful note - It never takes "small change" to brighten someone's day. 15.) Make Someone A Cake - How recently have you had someone make you a cake? Do you recall how you felt at the time? Share happiness with delicious cuisine. 16.) Plant A Tree: Since everyone breathes the same air, why not contribute to its cleanliness? Today, plant a tree. 17.) Provide child care to assist a single parent. It's likely that the parent hasn't had much spare time recently. Everyone benefits when they take a break since it will make them a better parent. 18.) Mentor Someone: Occasionally, a gifted, driven, and ambitious young person only needs a mentor. Be the one who helps them. 19.) Give Your Best Recipes To Total Strangers - This is a fantastic method to meet people in your community. Remember to check in again to find out if they cooked them and enjoyed them! 20.) Bury a Surprise in a Library Book - Just picture the happiness on someone's face when they open a library book and discover a gift card or a letter from an unfamiliar person. 21.) Participate in Community Meetings: Often times, we desire to make a big difference in the world, but we neglect to start small. Globally, community gatherings take place every day to debate a wide range of critical topics and potential solutions. Take the lead in finding the answer. 22.) Form a Club or Team: Ever find yourself thinking, "I wish this town had a _________?" Go ahead and bring it to pass. 23.) Speak Up - You are concerned about the world around you. When you notice anything that needs to be changed, say something. Remember that it is preferable to support a cause or a solution than to oppose it. Do something. 24.) Begin with your own household - Does your family have a nephew who needs someone to pay for or transport him to school? Does your elderly aunt's automobile require an oil change? Kindness isn't reserved for total strangers. 25.) Start a Chain Reaction: You may encourage people to give back by using several of these suggestions. Use this as a prompt, or encourage others to continue the pattern. 26.) Give School Supplies - Children should have access to the materials they require in order to study and develop. Educators are occasionally left to bear the expense. Your contributions are much appreciated. 27.) Put Down Your Phone and Enter Your Community - If you find yourself arguing with folks on social media, stop for a moment. Put down your phone and take a stand for the change you wish to see. 28.) Become Certified in First Aid - Could you assist someone in need? People like you are needed in communities! 29.) Leave A Generous Tip - We understand that in many countries, tipping is not customary, but in those where it is, tip waiters generously, particularly for exceptional service. 30.) Tell a parent how well-behaved their child is. This might be the kind word that brightens their day. 31.) Adopt an Animal - Rather than purchasing pets from pet stores, visit your neighborhood shelter to take in a furry buddy in need of a loving home. 32.) Include Generosity in Your Curriculum -The foundation of Up with People's international education program is a comprehensive curriculum that enhances the tour experience while also bringing important teachings to life via inquiry, structured study, and practical application. We should all learn the importance of kindness. Do you work in education? Remember this essential ability. 33.) Be the Change: "Be the change you want to see in the world" is a quote best attributed to Mahatma Gandhi. 34.) Host Or Participate in Community Giving - Learn from the over 500 chapters of the global organization 100 Women Who Care, whose members gather funds, research urgent needs in their community, and then cast their votes for a cause to help. 35.) Support a Local Event or Sports Team: You'll get to know your neighbors and feel good about yourself for having contributed to something amazing. 36.) Show Up - Leave the house and make an appearance. You wouldn't believe how much this matters to individuals. 37.) Distribute Toiletry goods: Provide a homeless individual with a new or slightly used rucksack filled with toiletry goods, or give the contents straight to a nearby shelter. 38.) Encourage Someone to Get Moving - Everyone needs to move, so invite a buddy along for a walk or join up for an exercise class. 39.) Place a Pleasant Surprise in Someone's Mailbox - Naturally, you should never trespass when you give a neighbor a surprise gift or message. 40.) Purchase Lemonade From A Stand: We usually ignore these during the summer, but this year, stop and indulge! 41.) Assist in Ending Childhood Hunger: Children in your own backyard often go without enough food. Encourage fantastic programs such as No Kid Hungry. 42.) Allow Someone To Cut In Front Of You In Line - This will fill your heart and leave the other person dumbfounded. 43.) Give Your Buying A Purpose - It may seem unbelievable, yet all it takes to give back is a quick Google search. Every time you type a search query or make a purchase, several search engines give to charitable causes. For instance, when you shop on Amazon Smile, the online retailer will give a portion of your sales to Up with People or your preferred non-profit! 44.) Shop Local: Support your neighborhood mom-and-pop stores instead of the big chains. This distinguishes your neighborhood, and your purchase helps to maintain the vitality of your community. 45.) Celebrate People: Give your friends and coworkers some time to be honored for their achievements. 46.) Recycle - It benefits all of us when the environment is cleaner. 47.) Take a Bike to Work: Nobody enjoys breathing in engine fumes. You can breathe fresher local air if you bike to work. 48.) Form or Join a Meetup Group: Creating a community can occasionally be the germ for something much larger. 49.) Turn Off Your Engine - The Environmental Protection Agency reports that during the afternoon rush hour, high concentrations of formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, and benzene have been found in the air. Reduce the amount of time you spend idle in your own vehicle or discuss the matter with your PTA or principle. 50.) Brighten Up A Dreary Spot - You can use sidewalk chalk to make overgrown walls and underpasses seem better for less than $20, a few hours of your time, and permission from the local government. 51.) Speak With A Librarian — The next time you're returning books, find out how you can assist your librarian. A casual discussion might occasionally uncover a talent or expertise that could be a good fit for the community. 52.) Start a Kindness Project - Come up with a project where your family or even a class logs ONE kind deed or ONE act of kindness every day. Take inspiration from this list to get you started! 53.) Cast a ballot - Regardless of your political views or place of residence, make sure you cast a ballot. particularly in minor municipal elections.