Wednesday, February 5

5 ways to deliver good customer service

1. Offer prompt client support

The customer has very high expectations and wants a prompt response.

In example, Gen Z and Millennials frequently favor mediums that allow for quick responses:

Social media

Messages within apps

Apps for social messaging

It should come as no surprise that older generations favor more conventional channels like phone, email, and in-person communications. However, respondents’ tolerance for response times is ebbing: 51% of them anticipate a response over the phone in less than five minutes, and 28% anticipate the same on live chat.

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Keeping up with consumers involves going above and beyond their expectations. It might entail developing an automatic email or text answer that reads, “We got your question and we are looking into it.” In a similar vein, it entails promptly returning a customer’s message. It’s already subpar service if they have to contact you twice.

2. Make it simple for clients to assist themselves

Not every customer wants to seek for assistance. Allowing individuals to assist themselves is sometimes a sign of great customer service. 69% of consumers want to handle as many issues as they can on their own, and 63% always or nearly always begin their search on a business’s website.

However, there is a clear disparity—many businesses are failing to capitalize on this chance. Less than one in three businesses provide social media, chatbots, or in-app messaging, and only one-third provide a knowledge base or community forum.

Creating a simple self-help method for customers will reduce the workload for your support staff and result in satisfied clients.

3. Give agents the resources they need to operate more effectively.

Like peanut butter and jelly, a positive employee experience and a positive customer experience are inextricably related. According to a Forrester survey, businesses with the most engaged workers have a clear competitive edge, experience half the turnover of their counterparts, and enjoy 81 percent greater customer satisfaction. Giving your support staff the resources and procedures they require to do their duties effectively is part of supporting them. Higher-performing teams are implementing structural adjustments to workflows to better meet the demands of their workers, according to our CX Trends Report.

Companies may remove obstacles for both consumers and agents by:

providing agents with a single workspace so they can assist clients without switching between tools and have customer context at their fingertips.

By automatically assigning clients to the agent best suited for the job and giving agents pre-written responses, you may streamline agents’ workflows and save them from having to fill out your reimbursement policy.

4. Encourage agents to work together

Customers want businesses to work together on their behalf, and resolving their difficulties frequently requires agents to communicate with different departments. In fact, our study found that this year, compared to previous, 31% more agents stated that they require technologies that allow them to interact across teams internally. Agents may work together both inside and outside the CX organization by utilizing platforms like Zoom and Slack in their office.

5. Make improvements by using your analytics

Support teams want analytics software that allows them to instantly access consumer data across channels in one location in order to stay on top of client demands. Because they can concentrate on comprehending and responding to the data rather than just collecting it, this allows them to be nimble. However, according to our Trends Report, 40% of managers lack the analytics tools necessary to gauge the performance of remote teams. Support executives can take action on current events and comprehend previous trends thanks to real-time and historical analytics integrated into their CX system. In order to enhance the entire experience, they may discover how consumers engage with them and pinpoint areas where their staff needs to improve.

sending routine queries to a bot so that agents may concentrate on the more interesting aspects of their work.

Excellent customer service skills

These are the most important customer service competencies that agents must possess in order to deliver excellent customer care.

Our Trends in Empathy According to a report, 49% of consumers expect agents to have empathy.

The capacity to recognize the demands of customers

Effective questioning and listening

Presenting alternatives and answers in a clear and succinct manner

Recognizing the demands of customers

Hearing what customers have to say and following their advice

Resolving problems quickly and effectively

Building relationships may be achieved by doing something as basic as calling a client by name or following up on a prior concern.

Working with other agents or departments to resolve customers’ difficulties is a common need for becoming a cross-functional collaborator.

Appreciation from consumers: When customers contact support workers, they want to feel appreciated.